Microdata MCQ Questions and Answers

Microdata MCQs : This section focuses on "Microdata" in Html. These Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) should be practiced to improve the Html skills required for various interviews (campus interview, walk-in interview, company interview), placement, entrance exam and other competitive examinations.

1. ___________ is a standardized way to provide additional semantics in your web pages.

A. metadata
B. microdata
C. minidata
D. webdata

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2. Does microdata consists of a group of name-value pairs.

C. Can be true or false
D. Can not say

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3. Microdata introduces ______ global attributes.

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

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4. Which attribute is used to create an item?

A. itemtype
B. itemid
C. itemprop
D. itemscope

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5. Which attribute is global identifier for the item?

A. itemtype
B. itemid
C. itemprop
D. itemscope

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6. Each name-value pair is a ?

A. items
B. class
C. property
D. object

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7. Which of the following is true if the property value of a name-value pair added by an element with an itemprop attribute is a meta element?

A. The value is the item created by the element
B. The value is the value of the element’s value attribute, if it has one, or the empty string otherwise
C. On getting, if the element has a datetime content attribute, the IDL attribute must return that content attribute’s value
D. The value is the element’s textContent

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8. The ___________ of an item is the value of its element’s itemid attribute.

A. token
B. typed item
C. global identifier
D. scope

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9. Which of the following is true if the property value of a name-value pair added by an element with an itemprop attribute is a data element?

A. The value is the value of the element’s value attribute if it has one, or the empty string otherwise
B. The value is the item created by the element
C. The value is the element’s datetime value
D. The value is item’s scope

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10. To add a property to an item, the itemprop attribute is used on one of the item's descendants.

A. Yes
B. No
C. Can be yes or no
D. Can not say

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