HTML HEX MCQs : This section focuses on color "HEX" of Html. These Multiple Choice Questions (mcq) should be practiced to improve the Html skills required for various interviews (campus interview, walk-in interview, company interview), placement, entrance exam and other competitive examinations.

1. How the HEX value of color represented in HTML?

A. #rrggbb
B. #rrbbgg
C. #ggrrbb
D. #bbrrgg

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2. Choose the correct option.

A. In HTML, rr,gg,bb of #rrggbb represents red, green and black color in hex values.
B. In HTML, rr,gg,bb of #rrggbb represents red, grey and black color in hex values.
C. In HTML, rr,gg,bb of #rrggbb represents red, grey and blue color in hex values.
D. In HTML, rr,gg,bb of #rrggbb represents red, green and blue color in hex values.

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3. Fill in the blanks from one of the options given below so that the background of the paragraph is filled with color of color code #3cb371.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p style="__________">A paragraph</p>

A. background-color:hex(#3cb371);
B. bg-color:hex(#3cb371);
C. background-color:#3cb371;
D. bg-color:#3cb371;

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4. #ffffff is equivqlent to which color in rgb color representation?

A. rgb(0,0,0)
B. rgb(100,100,100)
C. rgb(90,90,90)
D. rgb(255,255,255)

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5. Which color is #ff0000?

A. White
B. Black
C. Red
D. Blue

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6. In HTML, black color can be represented as-

A. #000000
B. #aaaaaa
C. #bbbbbb
D. #ffffff

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7. What is the total number of colors that can be represented using HEX system in HTML?

A. 16^3
B. 16^6
C. 2^6
D. 2^16

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8. Choose the correct option.

A. In HEX color representation of HTML, #0f0 and #00ff00 represents same color.
B. In HEX color representation of HTML, color cannot be represented as #0f0.
C. In HEX color representation of HTML, color can be represented as #0f0 but it is not the same as #00ff00.
D. None of the above

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9. Which of the following color codes of HTML represent the same color?
(i) #00ff00
(ii) hsl(120,100%,50%)
(iii) rgb(255,99,71)

A. All three.
B. i and ii
C. i and iii
D. ii and ii

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10. Which of the following is equivqlent to rgb(255,99,71)?

A. #ff9971
B. #ffaa71
C. #ff6347
D. #ffa6c8

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