HTML HSL MCQs : This section focuses on color "HSL" of Html. These Multiple Choice Questions (mcq) should be practiced to improve the Html skills required for various interviews (campus interview, walk-in interview, company interview), placement, entrance exam and other competitive examinations.

1. The value of h parameter in hsl ranges from

A. 0^o to 90^o
B. 0^o to 180^o
C. 0^o to 240^o
D. 0^o to 360^o

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2. What is the value of h in hsl for red color?

A. 0degree
B. 120degree
C. 180degree
D. 270degree

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3. What is the value of h in hsl for green color?

A. 0degree
B. 120degree
C. 240degree
D. 270degree

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4. What is the value of h in hsl for blue color?

A. 0degree
B. 120degree
C. 240degree
D. 270degree

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5. Which of the following is correct regarding s parameter in hsl in HTML?

A. s stands for saturation.
B. s determines the intensity of the color
C. None of a and b is correct.
D. Both a and b are correct.

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6. What color does 100% saturation give?

A. pure color.
B. white
C. shades of grey.
D. None of the above

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7. What color does 0% saturation give?

A. pure color.
B. white
C. shades of grey.
D. None of the above

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8. Which one of the following is not correct regarding l parameter of hsl in HTML?

A. value of l is used determining the lightness of the color
B. 0% means completely dark and 100% means completely light.
C. for getting original color, it should be set to 100%
D. None of the above

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9. What color will hsl(0,100%,50%) give?

A. red
B. green
C. blue
D. black

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10. Choose the incorrect option regarding 'a' parameter of hsla.

A. a stands for alpha.
B. It has so limit in its maximum value
C. It's minimum value is 0.
D. It determines the degree of transparency.

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