HTML List MCQs : This section focuses on "Lists" in Html. These Multiple Choice Questions (mcq) should be practiced to improve the Html skills required for various interviews (campus interview, walk-in interview, company interview), placement, entrance exam and other competitive examinations.

1. Which one of the following is a type of lists that HTML supports?

A. Ordered lists.
B. Unordered lists.
C. Description lists.
D. All of the above

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2. By which tag, an unordered list is represented?

A. <u>
B. <I>
C. <ul>
D. <ol>

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3. By which tag, an ordered list is represented?

A. <u>
B. <I>
C. <ul>
D. <ol>

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4. Below there is a HTML code.
Fill in the blanks in the above HTML code with a suitable option so as to get the list as follows when executed in a browser.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<ul _____________>

A. style="list-style-type:square;"
B. style="list-type:square;"
C. style="type:square;"
D. style= "style:square;"

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5. .Fill in the blanks with a suitable option in order to number items of an ordered list with small roman numbers.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<ol _________>

A. style= "type:i"
B. style= "list-style-type:i"
C. type= "i"
D. type= "small roman"

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6. In order to start a list from 10, what attribute should be added in the opening tag of ordered list?

A. begin= "10"
B. start= "10"
C. style= "begin:10"
D. style= "start:10"

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7. A HTML code is given below
Fill in the blanks with appropriate option to get the output as below:

<!DOCTYPE html>

A. <dd>,</dd>,<dt>,</dt>
B. <dt>,</dt>,<dd>,</dd>
C. <li>,</li>,<dd>,</dd>
D. <dt>,</dt>,<li>,</li>

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8. In order to get a list without any item marker, which one of the following can be used?

<!DOCTYPE html>

A. <ul style= "list-style-type:none;">
B. <ul list-style-type= "none">
C. <ol list-style-type= "none">
D. <ul>

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9. What is the default start of item marker in ordered list?

A. 1
B. i
C. I
D. None of the above

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10. What is the default item marker in unordered lists of HTML?

A. Circle
B. Marker
C. disc
D. None of the above

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