Accenture Technical Assessment MCQs
Accenture Technical MCQs : This section focuses on "Technical Questions" for Accenture Exam. These Technical MCQs are asked in previous Accenture placements/recruitment exams and will help you to prepare for upcoming Accenture drives.
1. What was Photo Editor renamed to while using Microsoft Office, 2003?
A. Photo Manager
B. Picture Manager
C. Photo Editor
D. Paint Editor
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Ans : C
Explanation: Picture Manager was Photo Editor renamed to while using Microsoft Office, 2003.
2. Which of the following attributes of text box control allow to limit the maximum character?
A. len
B. size
C. maxlength
D. none
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Ans : C
Explanation: maxlength attributes of text box control allow to limit the maximum character.
3. Traffic in a VPN is NOT ____________
A. Logically separated from other traffic
B. Restricted to a single protocol in IPsec
C. Invisible from public networks
D. Accessible from unauthorized public networks
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Ans : D
Explanation: Traffic in a VPN is not accessible from any unauthorized public networks because it is secured with the masking IP address. This provides the benefit of access to blocked resources to the users.
4. What is the time complexity of searching for an element in a circular linked list?
A. O(n)
B. O(nlogn)
C. O(1)
D. None of the mentioned
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Ans : A
Explanation: Time complexity of inserting a new node at the head of the list is O(n) because you have to traverse through the list to find the tail node.
5. In the worst case, the number of comparisons needed to search a singly linked list of length n for a given element is
A. log 2 n
B. n⁄2
C. log 2 n – 1
D. n
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Ans : D
Explanation: In the worst case, the number of comparisons needed to search a singly linked list of length n for a given element is n.
6. What does the following piece of code do?
public void func (Tree root)
func (root.left ());
func (root.right ());
System.out.println ( ());
A. preorder traversal
B. postorder traversal
C. inorder traversal
D. level order traversal
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Ans : B
Explanation: In a postorder traversal, first the left child is visited, then the right child and finally the parent
7. Consider the following piece of code. What will be the space required for this code?
int sum (int A[], int n)
int sum = 0, i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum = sum + A[i];
return sum;
}// sizeof(int) = 2 bytes
A. 2n+8
B. 2n+4
C. 2n+2
D. 2n
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Ans : A
Explanation: The code will acquire a space of 2n+8.
There are n elements in the array and the int data type acquires 2 bytes, so there will be 2n bytes acquired.
The int array occupies 4 bytes.
The sum variable will occupy 2 bytes.
The i variable will occupy 2 bytes.
so total=2n+4+2+2=2n+8 bytes
8. Which is not an objective of network security?
A. Identification
B. Authentication
C. Lock
D. Access Control
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Ans : C
Explanation: The Identification, Authentication and Access control are the objectives of network security.
There is no such thing called lock.
9. Checksum, Error control and Length information are main features of?
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Ans : D
Explanation: Checksum, Error control and Length information are main features of UDP
10. ALOHA was developed in early?
A. 1970
B. 1980
C. 1990
D. 1997
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Ans : A
Explanation: It was developed at the University of Hawaii in the early 1970s to connect computers situated on different Hawaiian islands.
11. 1. What is the output of the following code snippet in Python?
a = ""9876""
b = a[-2:-1]
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
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Ans : B
Explanation: 7 is the output for the following code.
12. 2. What is the output of the following code snippet in Java?
int a = 5;
int b = 7;
int c = a++ + ++b;
A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
D. 14
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Ans : C
Explanation: 13 is the output for the following code
13. In which programming language is the keyword 'this' used?
A. C
B. C++
C. Python
D. Java
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Ans : D
Explanation: The keyword this is a Java language keyword that represents the current instance of the class in which it appears. It is used to access class variables and methods.
14. Which data structure uses FIFO (First In First Out) order?
A. Queue
B. Set
C. Stack
D. Map
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Ans : A
Explanation: A queue is structured, as an ordered collection of items which are added at one end, called the “rear,” and removed from the other end, called the “front.” Queues maintain a FIFO ordering property.
15. Which of the following is NOT a valid way to declare and initialize a variable in Java?
A. int x = 5;
B. double y = 3.14;
C. boolean z = true;
D. string w = "hello";
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Ans : D
Explanation: string w = "hello"; will give error.