XML Processing MCQ

This section focuses on "Processing" in XML. These Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) should be practiced to improve the XML skills required for various interviews (campus interview, walk-in interview, company interview), placements, entrance exams and other competitive examinations.

1. ___________ allow documents to contain instructions for applications.


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2. Which of the following is correct syntax of PI?

A. <?target instructions>
B. <target instructions?>
C. <?target instructions?>
D. <target instructions>

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3. Which of the following Identifies the application to which the instruction is directed?

A. target
B. Instruction
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

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4. A PI can contain any data except the combination?

A. !>
B. <!
C. <?
D. ?>

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5. Which of the following valid Pis example?

A. <?welcome?>
B. <?welcome to pg = 10 of lfc?>
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

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6. What is the full form of DTD?

A. data type definition
B. document type definition
C. double type definition
D. data type document

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7. XSLT processors accept as input:

A. an XML conforming document file and an XSLT specification file
B. only an XML document
C. only an XSLT specification
D. either an XML document or an XSLT specification

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8. The use of a DTD in XML development is:

A. required when validating XML documents
B. no longer necessary after the XML editor has been customized
C. used to direct conversion using an XSLT processor
D. a good guide to populating a templates to be filled in when generating an XML document automatically

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9. A character that describes the information for the application to process known as?

A. target
B. Instruction

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10. What is the role of the XPath language in XSL processing?

A. XPath identifies the order or path of processing to be followed as the XSL language is processed
B. XPath identifies locations in XML data to be transformed in the source tree and the locations to be generated in output tree specified in XSL translation prescriptions
C. XPath identifies the path to be followed in the execution of XSL translation prescriptions
D. XPath specifies which XSL transform files are to be used in the translation of XML

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