5 Best Code Editors For Programmers

Choosing a text editor is a great thing for a developer, especially for a developer who has just started and it is a good idea to test each editor and select the editor that works best for you. There are various reasons developers use different editors mainly for built-in features, plug-ins, keyboard shortcuts and UIs.
Let's talk about the 5 best code editors, the following editors are placed in any ranking, all have different personal requirements and preferences. So at the end of the article you need to choose one editor which works best for you.
5 Best Code Editors For Programmers
1. Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code is incredibly fast and intuitive. It's as fast as sublime and it has built-in tabs terminal. You can install terminal plugins in a lot of other editors but most of the times they don't work. The terminal in VS code is just awesome, Web Storm is another great editor that has a terminal but it's not free which is why it's not on this list. VS code has the best extensions by far for any language or framework you are working on. You'll always find an extension that does all that you need in terms of highlighting intellisense and snippets much more on the keyboard shortcuts are amazing and easily customize and it is a fantastic tool which allows to use shortcuts to write HTML and CSS really quickly and all text editors as some sort of plugin or extension it actually comes built-in with VS code. You know HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, python, ASP.net and the list goes, it is great for all of these languages as well as it has a powerful debugger. You also have easy peer sharing so you can connect and work with other people in the editor remotely.
The following are the feature of Visual Studio Code:
1. Incredibly fast and intuitive
2. Built-In tabbed terminal
3. Keyboard shortcuts
4. Built-in Emmet
5. Peer Sharing
6. Great for all languages
2. Atom
Atom is one of the easiest and the most intuitive text editors when it comes to interface everything is very self explanatory and everything seems to be in the right place. Customisation and settings are easy to change, there's also a phenomenal package manager to extend atom. Atom is one of the nicest looking, some of the themes that are available are absolutely beautiful so you have real time collaboration and it seems really cool for pair coding when working with teams. Atom also has built-in github integration to increase your work flow when it comes to getting version control. The biggest downside of Atom is its performance when you use atom on very less powerful laptop then it really lacked.
The following are the feature of Atom:
1. Intuitive
2. Easy to use
3. Great package manager
4. Beautiful customize themes
5. Real time collab
6. Github integration
3. Sublime Text
Sublime Text technically isn't free, there is a commercial license but the free version give you almost all the capabilities of the commercial. Sublime Text will get a pop up that asks you if you want to buy a license and you also get written unregistered in the title bar. Sublime text is awesome for developers and they have used it for years but they don't use it anymore but they did use it for years and what makes it stick out as its performance and it's incredibly fast.
Sublime Text is built from custom components and it is faster than any editor, now sublime is basically becomes note pad, developers usually use it for the code preview. Sublime holds functionality like sorting, changing the syntax, changing the indentation, etc. Sublime uses a python API that allows plugins to augment built-in functionality. Package control can be installed through the command palette and you can install thousands of packages built by the community. The biggest downside of sublime is that it's very intuitive and user friendly and you may disagree, if you've been using it for a while and you know the ins and outs. Sublime is a very very powerful and have lot of the features and they could do a much better job of making certain things easier to use including the whole command palette and the package control work flow, but overall it's a very professional and very powerful editor.
The following are the feature of Sublime Text :
1. Super Fast and Responsive
2. Very Powerful, Goto Anything
3. Command palette
4. Package Control
4. Brackets
Brackets is really geared up towards web designers and front end developers meaning you know HTML, CSS, Javascript. You don't see too many developers writing PHP or python or anything like that using brackets. Like Komodo edit the interface is very very simple, developers do like the syntax highlighting the color coded HTML tags and attributes, they love the live preview feature it works sort of like VS code's alive server extension.
Brackets has built-in editor, it opens your HTML files on your local host and any changes that you make when you save in your editor if it refreshes the browser and shows your changes which is really nice. Brackets was the first editor where developers actually saw something like this and developers really loved it. Keyboard shortcuts are also really helpful they're easy to use and they can make you work much quicker no matter what editor you use I would highly suggest learning some helpful keyboard shortcuts.
The following are the feature of Brackets :
1. For Web designers
2. Simple Interface
3. Syntax Highlighting
4. Live preview
5. Custome Themes
6. keyboard shortcuts
5. Komodo Edit
Komodo Edit do not be confused with the Komodo IDE because they do have an integrated development environment. Komodo Edit is free and it's much more robust. Komodo IDE was extremely simple and it had a very minimal design. Komodo Edit has something called focus mode which will hide all of the open windows and just display the editor, this limits distraction and lets you focus on exactly what you need to. There's also a big goto anything text box where you can search for files, install plugins, open menu items, etc.
Komodo Edit also has cursor history meaning in addition to redo and undo specific actions you can redo and undo where your cursor goes it also has built in FTP connection capability so that you can connect remotely to servers and update files on your host. Komodo Edit also has a built in browser preview which is always helpful, so rather than going outside of the editor and opening your HTML files or whatever you're working on you can preview it through the editor so I think overall simplicity is the the biggest advantage of Komodo edit.
The following are the feature of Komodo Edit :
1. Minimal design
2. Focus Mode
3. Goto Anything
4. Cursor History
5. Connect FTP Connection
6. Browser Preview
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