XML Quiz

Play this quiz that will help you to excel in XML certification exams, placements etc. This XML quiz consist of 10 questions that you need to solve in 10 minutes. We’ve specially designed this quiz so that you can quickly acquaint to the pattern of questions you can be asked in placement drives, certification exams etc.

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Practice XML MCQ Questions, which will help you to understand XML concepts.

XML Quiz

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XML Quiz

1. ___________ allow documents to contain instructions for applications.


2. A schema describes?

datatype of XML document
All of the above

3. Which of the following are not correct rule of XML declaration?

The names are always in lower case.
The Parameter names and values are not case-sensitive.
The correct order is: version, encoding and standalone.
None of the above

4. A validating XML application should be used when?

the design demands that all elements use both start and end tags
missing or out-of-place elements could cause application errors
attribute values cannot refer to external entity references
High performance is an important architectural constraint

5. If the DTD is pointing to external path, it is called?

Internal Subset
DTD identifier
External Subset
None of the above

6. The tags message mark?

the start of the XML code
the end of the XML code
the start and the end of the XML code
None of the above

7. A PI can contain any data except the combination?


8. Which of the following valid Pis example?

<?welcome to pg = 10 of lfc?>
Both A and B
None of the above

9. Which of the following Identifies the application to which the instruction is directed?

Both A and B
None of the above

10. The default model for complex type, in XML schemas for element is

no default type
Both A and B
