SQL CASE Statement
The SQL CASE statement is similar to the IF-THEN-ELSE statement, where the CASE statement goes through different conditions and returns a value when the first condition is met. So when the condition returns true, it will stop execution and return the result. If all conditions are false, it will execute the ELSE clause and return the value. If there is no ELSE clause then it will return NULL.
CASE statement Syntax :
The syntax of the CASE statement is −
CASE WHEN condition1 THEN result1 WHEN condition2 THEN result2 WHEN conditionN THEN resultN ELSE result END;
CASE statement Example :
Consider the Customer table with the following records -
CustomerID | CustomerName | Age | Address | CustomerSalary | Gender |
1 | Aarav | 28 | Udaipur | 28000 | M |
2 | Aarushi | 25 | Mumbai | 30000 | F |
3 | Reyansh | 28 | Chennai | 35000 | M |
4 | Aditi | 24 | Udaipur | 50000 | F |
5 | Sai | 30 | Mumbai | 27000 | M |
TEST CASE 1 :- The following code is an example, which would fetch the all records from Customer table and change the Gender :-
where M change to Male
and F change to Female
SELECT * CASE Gender WHEN'M' THEN 'Male' WHEN'F' THEN 'Female' END FROM Customer
The result for the respective sql query is as follows −
CustomerID | CustomerName | Age | Address | CustomerSalary | Gender |
1 | Aarav | 28 | Udaipur | 28000 | Male |
2 | Aarushi | 25 | Mumbai | 30000 | Female |
3 | Reyansh | 28 | Chennai | 35000 | Male |
4 | Aditi | 24 | Udaipur | 50000 | Female |
5 | Sai | 30 | Mumbai | 27000 | Male |
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