C Programming Multiple Choice Question - About and History

This section focuses on the "History and About" of the C programming. These Multiple Choice Questions (mcq) should be practiced to improve the C programming skills required for various interviews (campus interview, walk-in interview, company interview), placement, entrance exam and other competitive examinations.

1. Who is father of C Language?

A. Bjarne Stroustrup
B. James A. Gosling
C. Dennis Ritchie
D. Dr. E.F. Codd

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2. C Language was developed at ?

A. AT & T Bell Laboratory
B. MIT University
C. Harvard University
D. Stanford Lab

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3. Many features of C were derived from which language ?

B. B

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4. What is C language?

A. C language is a structure/procedure oriented
B. C language is a middle level programming language
C. C language was invented for implementing UNIX operating system
D. All of the above

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5. First version of C Programming language is ____ .

A. K&R
B. C89
D. R&K

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6. C was initially used for

A. General purpose
B. System development work
C. Data processing
D. None of these

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7. C programming language is

A. Procedural language
B. Object Oriented language
C. Scripting languages
D. None of these

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8. Which Committee standardize C Programming Language ?


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9. Which year C language is developed?

A. 1970
B. 1971
C. 1972
D. 1973

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10. Which of these is not an example for IDE in C?

A. Turbo
B. Pycharm
C. Code::Blocks
D. Borland

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11. Which of these is true about embedded C?
i)Embedded C is the extension of C programming language
ii)Embedded C is used to develop micro controller based applications.
iii)Embedded C includes features not available in normal C like fixed-point arithmetic, named address spaces, and basic I/O hardware addressing.

A. Only i & ii
B. Only i & iii
C. Only ii & ii
D. All of the above

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12. C can be used on?

A. Only MS-Dos operating System
B. Only Linux operating system
C. Only Windows operating system
D. All of the above

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13. Which is not a character Of C?

A. $
B. ^
C. -
D. |

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14. Which is true in case of ANSI C?

A. Comments are represented in /* and */
B. Nested comments are not allowed
C. Comments are not allowed within a string constant
D. Nested comments are allowed

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15. Identify the wrong Statement?

A. #define /* symbolic constant */ Max 100
B. int /*declaration*/ a,b;
C. char c1,c2;
D. #define MAX 25;

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16. Identify the correct statement?

A. The variable names VOLUME and volume are identical
B. The variable names sun and sun are identical
C. Variables are not declared before use
D. Variable may he absent in a declaration.

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17. An escape sequence commence with

A. \
B. /
C. ?
D. #

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18. Identify the wrong statement?

A. # define is a preprocessor facility.
B. # define aids in modifying a constant value throughout the program.
C. # define uses a statement terminator.
D. # define improves the readability of the program.

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19. Where does the execution of every C program starts?

A. Every C program starts in the main () function.
B. Every C program starts in the begin ( ) function.
C. Every C program starts in the initialize ( ) function.
D. Every C program starts in the start ( ) function.

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20. Identify the separator(s) in C?

A. white space character
B. Comments
C. Semicolon
D. Both A and B

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21. A program which translates a high level language program into a machine language program is called

A. Compiler
B. Interpreter
C. Both A and B
D. none of the above

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22. Indicate which of the following is not true about an interpreter?

A. Interpreter generates an object program from the source program
B. Interpreter is a kind of translator
C. Interpreter analysis each source statement every time it is to be executed
D. None of the above

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23. The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler are?

A. syntax errors
B. semantic error
C. logical error
D. none of the above

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24. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. FORTRAN is a high-level language
B. A FORTRAN program written for the IBM-PC, is totally different from a FORTRAN program written for the execution of SUN machine.
C. FORTRAN is extensively used write program for performing scientific computations
D. None of the above

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25. The language C is

A. an assembly language
B. a third generation high level language
C. a machine language
D. none of the above

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26. A program that converts a high level language program to a set of instruc-tions that can run on a computer is called a ?

A. compiler
B. debugger
C. editor
D. none of the above

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27. The mapping from assembly language instructions into machine language instructions is?

A. many-one
B. many-many
C. one-one
D. one-many

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28. A compiler is

A. a machine-independent and OS-independent
B. machine-dependent and OS-dependent
C. machine-dependent and OS-independent
D. machine-independent and OS-dependent

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29. Which one of the following statement is incorrect?

A. A compiler compiles the source program
B. An assembler takes an assembly program as input.
C. A compiler does the same type of function as interpreter
D. None of the above

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30. C compiler traps

A. logical errors
B. syntax errors
C. Both A and B
D. none of the above

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31. A translator which reads an entire pro-gram written in high level and converts it into machine language code is?

A. Assembler
B. Translator
C. Compiler
D. System software

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32. Which of the following is not one of the processes that a high level language program must go through before it is ready to be executed

A. Translation
B. Controlling
C. Loading
D. Linking

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33. Which of the following is related to machine language?

A. Difficult
B. First generation to learn language
C. Machine
D. All of the above

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34. C is a

A. Completely high level language
B. Completely low level language
C. High level language with low level features
D. none of the above

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