Web Forms in PHP
HTML and PHP code is simple to embed into single document which makes easy to design static(HTML) and dynamic(PHP) pages together. A PHP interpreter will ignore everything outside PHP tags i.e. plain text/HTML code.
Plain text/HTML code is interpreted by the browser. By default characters like new-line(\n) , space(\s) are generally ignored by the PHP interpreter when printing on to the web page. These generic characters can be replaced with corresponding HTML tags
First PHP program
# Source Code
My PHP Page
echo 'My First PHP Script';
My First PHP Script
Working with forms
PHP is used for server side scripting, hence it is able to interact with any element placed within the HTML form. The GET or POST method can be used to send data from the form to the web server.
Capturing form data
1. $_GET: Auto populated when form is submitted with GET method
2. $_POST: Auto populated when form is submitted with POST method
3. $_REQUEST: Auto populated when form is submitted with either GET/POST method
Name of the form element will be key and user entered value will be the value of corresponding key
GET method
In the GET method, information is embedded in the URL and hence not secure. Not suitable for sending large data. Not suitable for sending password information or sensitive data.
echo 'CONGRATULATIONS, Our new product.$_GET["Pname"].‘ is launched with a price of Rs.'.$_GET["Price"]
POST Method
Information is embedded in the body and not in the URL. Hence more secure compared to GET method. Data up to 8Mb can be sent using this method
Contains the contents of $_GET, $_POST, $_Cookie. Can be used when data is sent using either GET or POST method