Functions In PHP

A PHP function is a piece of code that can be reused multiple times. It can take input as argument list and return value. PHP has thousands of built-in functions.
Advantages of functions :
1. Reduce code redundancy
2. Increase reuse
3. Easy to maintain.
PHP provides huge set of built-in/core functions. PHP supports anonymous functions. Arguments to functions can be passed by value or reference.

Built-In functions

PHP comes standard with many functions and constructs.
General Functions :

Function Use Syntax
print() Same as echo statement print ("This is sample output");
die() An exit function alias. Used to terminate script and prints user message before exit Perform_Action() or die("My Action failed");
header() To add raw HTTP headers to send to the client browser header("Location:");
phpinfo() Gives PHP interpreter settings bound to web server as a webpage. Useful in debugging/trouble shooting PHP settings phpinfo()
exit() Common function to terminate a script exit(); or exit;

Variable Functions :
Function Use Syntax
isset() Checks whether variable is declared and assigned a value and returns TRUE if set echo isset($x); #FALSE
unset() A previously set variable is unset and releases memory allocated. Returns false, if variable is not already set $x=10; => unset($x); => echo isset($x); => #FALSE
empty() Gives TRUE if variable is not declared or its value is FALSE or empty values $x; => echo empty($x); => #TRUE

User Defined Functions

We can declare and call user-defined functions easily. A user-defined function declaration starts with the word function.No specific return type. Can be called by passing values or references

function function_name(Arguments){
     //   function body
function caption(){
   echo "Education and Research";

Pass by value

Value of the actual argument is copied into formal parameter. Any changes to value in the function does not alter the value of actual parameter.

function net_pay($salary, $tax){
             echo "Net amount : $salary";               #Net amount : 16000
 echo "Salary : $sal";                                        #Salary : 2000                 

Pass by reference

Reference of the actual parameter is passed to the function. The changes made in the function will be reflected in the value of the actual parameter

function net_pay(&$salary, &$tax){
             echo "Net amount : $salary";      # Net amount : 16000
echo "Salary : $sal";                  # Salary : 16000               

Default argument

Default arguments are used, when user may not specify a value during invocation of the function.

function net_pay($salary, $tax =10){
             echo "Net amount : $salary";
//invoking the function:
net_pay($sal,$tax_per);              # Net amount : 16000
net_pay($sal);                             # Net amount : 18000