Microsoft Azure Quiz

Play this quiz that will help you to excel in Microsoft Azure certification exams, placements etc. This Microsoft Azure quiz consist of 10 questions that you need to solve in 10 minutes. We’ve specially designed this quiz so that you can quickly acquaint to the pattern of questions you can be asked in placement drives, certification exams etc. This test enables you to assess your knowledge of Microsoft Azure.

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Microsoft Azure MCQs

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Microsoft Azure Quiz

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Microsoft Azure Quiz

1. Choose the correct option.

Azure Batch is a non visual tool.
Azure Btach allows users to fully configure the nodes.
Azure Batch provides job scheduling and automatically scales and manages the VMs running these jobs.
All of these.

2. Choose the correct option.

It can integrate with Azure Active Directory.
Role based access control is possible in Azure Kubernetes.
Both A and B.
None of these.

3. Which one of the following provides block level storage volumes for Azure VMs?

Azure Disks
Azure Blobs
Azure Queues
Azure Tables

4. Which one of the following is arranged from strongest to weakest consistency level?

Strong, Bounded Staleness, Session, Consistent Prefix, Eventual
Strong, Bounded Staleness, Consistent Prefix, Session, Eventual.
Strong, Session, Bounded Staleness, Consistent Prefix, Eventual.
Strong, Session, Consistent Prefix, Eventual, Bounded Staleness

5. Choose the correct option with reference to REST API.

There is no default media type for both requests and responses.
The default media type for requests and responses is application/json.
The default media type for requests is application/json while there is no default media type for responses.
The default media type for responses is application/json while there is no default media type for requests.

6. Which one of the following is incorrect regarding Azure Batch?

It allows to run large-scale parallel workloads although the cost is high.
Auto scaling is possible whenever required.
By auto scaling, it means that it can provide more nodes if the number of queued tasks are more.
None of these.

7. Which one of the following Cortana Analytics services helps in data migration?

Azure HDInsight
Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Lake
Azure SQL Data Warehouse

8. Which request URI component of REST API gives domain name or IP address of the server where REST service endpoint is hosted?

URI scheme
URI host
Resource path
Query string

9. Which one of the following can process huge amount of data through parallel processing?

Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Databricks
Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Power BI

10. With which of the following can Azure Batch integrate for fetching data?

Azure Blob Storage only
Azure Data Lake storage only
Both Azure Blob Storage and Azure Data Lake Storage.
Neither Azure Blob Storage nor Azure Data Lake Storage.
