MongoDB MCQ Questions - Document

This section focuses on "Document" in MongoDB. These Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) should be practiced to improve the MongoDB skills required for various interviews (campus interview, walk-in interview, company interview), placements, entrance exams and other competitive examinations.

1. MongoDB stores data records as ______.

A. ZSON documents.
B. JSON documents
C. BSON documents
D. WSON documents.

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2. To insert data into MongoDB collection, you need to use MongoDB's __________ method.

A. save()
B. insert()
C. Both A and B
D. Can not say

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3. The basic syntax of insert() command is?

A. db.insertCOLLECTION_NAME(document)
B. db.COLLECTION_NAME.insert(document)
C. COLLECTION_NAME.insert(document)
D. db.COLLECTION_NAME.create(document)

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4. _id is ________ bytes hexadecimal number unique for every document in a collection.

A. 4
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12

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5. To query data from MongoDB collection, you need to use MongoDB ______ method.

A. select()
B. find()
C. show()
D. All of the above

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6. find() method will display all the documents in a __________ way.

A. structured
B. non-structured
C. simple
D. complex

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7. To display the results in a formatted way, you can use _______ method.

A. beautify()
B. simple()
C. pretty()
D. unify()

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8. Apart from the find() method, there is findOne() method, that returns only one document.

C. Can be true or false
D. Can not say

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9. The update() method updates the values in the existing document.

C. Can be true or false
D. Can not say

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10. MongoDB _________ method is used to delete a document from the collection.

A. drop()
B. remove()
C. delete()
D. None of the above

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