Microprocessor Classification MCQ Questions

This section focuses on "Classification" of Microprocessor. These Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) should be practiced to improve the Microprocessor skills required for various interviews (campus interview, walk-in interview, company interview), placements, entrance exams and other competitive examinations.

1. A microprocessor can be classified into?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

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2. Which of the following is not a RISC processors?

A. Power PC: 501
B. DEC Alpha: 210642
C. MIPS: TS (R10000) RISC Processor

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3. Which of the following are correct characteristics of RISC?

A. It consists of simple instructions.
B. It supports various data-type formats.
C. It supports register to use in any context.
D. All of the above

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4. Which of the following is not a CISC processors?

A. IBM 370/168
B. Dell 5435
C. Intel 80486
D. VAX 11/780

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5. Which Processors includes multi-clocks?

D. Transputer

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6. Which of the following are incorrect Characteristics of CISC?

A. Variety of addressing modes.
B. Variable length of instruction format
C. Instruction-decoding logic is complex.
D. Small number of instructions.

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7. A _______________ is a specially designed microprocessor, which can handle its particular function many times faster than the ordinary microprocessor.

A. Input/Output Processor
B. Transputer
C. Coprocessor

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8. DSP stands for?

A. Digital Signal Processor
B. Digital Signal Preprocessor
C. Digital Signal Program
D. Data Signal Processor

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9. What is true about Transputer?

A. It is a specially designed microprocessor having a local memory of its own
B. A transputer is a specially designed microprocessor with its own local memory
C. It can handle its particular function many times faster than the ordinary microprocessor.
D. This processor is specially designed to process the analog signals into a digital form.

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10. Graphic display controller is an example of?

A. Input/Output Processor
B. Transputer
C. Coprocessor

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