C# MCQ Questions And Answers - Multithreading

This section focuses on "Multithreading" in C#. These Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) should be practiced to improve the C# skills required for various interviews (campus interviews, walk-in interviews, company interviews), placements, entrance exams and other competitive examinations.

1. Threads are ?

A. lightweight processes
B. heavyweight processes
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

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2. The threads created using the Thread class are called the?

A. child threads
B. parent threads
C. base threads
D. None of the above

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3. Which method for making a thread pause for a specific period of time.

A. push()
B. wait()
C. sleep()
D. stack()

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4. Select the type of multitasking methods that exist:

A. process based
B. thread based
C. only process
D. both process & thread based

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5. Choose the correct statement about process-based multitasking.

A. A feature that allows our computer to run two or more programs concurrently
B. A program that acts as a small unit of code that can be dispatched by the scheduler
C. Only A program that acts as a small unit of code that can be dispatched by the scheduler
D. Both A feature that allows our computer to run two or more programs concurrently & A program that acts as a small unit of code that can be dispatched by the scheduler

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6. Choose the namespace which supports multithreading programming?

A. System.net
B. System.Linq
C. System.Threading
D. All of the above

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7. Which of these keywords are used to implement synchronization?

A. synchronize
B. syn
C. synch
D. synchronized

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8. What is synchronization in reference to a thread?

A. It is a process of handling situations when two or more threads need access to a shared resource
B. It is a process by which many threads are able to access the same shared resource simultaneously
C. It is a process by which a method is able to access many different threads simultaneously
D. It is a method that allows too many threads to access any information they require

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9. Which method is called when a thread is blocked from running temporarily?

A. Pulse()
B. PulseAll()
C. Wait()
D. Both A and B

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10. The runtime aborts the thread by throwing a ThreadAbortException

C. Can be true or false
D. Can not say

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