Discrete Mathematics Quiz

Play this quiz that will help you to excel in Discrete Mathematics certification exams, placements etc. This Discrete Mathematics quiz consist of 10 questions that you need to solve in 10 minutes. We’ve specially designed this quiz so that you can quickly acquaint to the pattern of questions you can be asked in placement drives, certification exams etc.

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Discrete Mathematics MCQs

Practice Discrete Mathematics MCQ Questions, which will help you to understand programming related Mathematical concepts and also helps you to prepare for placements, technical rounds, interviews, competitive exams etc.

Discrete Mathematics Quiz

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Discrete Mathematics Quiz

1. Probability theory was invented?


2. A bag contains 5 red balls and some blue balls .If the probability of drawing a blue ball is double that of a red ball, then the number of blue balls in a bag is:


3. If in a graph multiple edges between the same set of vertices are allowed, it is called?

Hamiltonian Graphs
Simple graph
Multi graph
Euler Graphs

4. What is Space Complexity for Binary search tree?

O(log n)
O(nlog n)

5. What Z+ represents?

the set of all rational numbers
the set of all positive integers
the set of all whole numbers
the set of all real numbers

6. Boolean algebra can be used ____________

For designing of the digital computers
In building logic symbols
Circuit theory
Building algebraic functions

7. which of the following is true?

The function f(x) = x^3 is bijection from R to R.
The function f(x)=x+1 from the set of integers to itself is onto.
Both A and B
None of the above

8. Number of edges incident with the vertex V is called?

Degree of a Graph
Handshaking Lemma
Degree of a Vertex
None of the above

9. Triangle free graphs have the property of clique number is __________

More than 10
less than 5
equal to 5
greater than 3

10. The ______ Relation between sets X and Y is the set X×Y

