Data Science Quiz

Play this quiz that will help you to excel in Data Science certification exams, placements etc. This Data Science quiz consist of 10 questions that you need to solve in 10 minutes. We’ve specially designed this quiz so that you can quickly acquaint to the pattern of questions you can be asked in placement drives, certification exams etc. This Data Science test enables you to assess your knowledge of Data Science.

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Data Science MCQs

Practice Data Science MCQ Questions, which will help you to improve your data science skills and also helps you to prepare for placements, technical rounds, interviews, competitive exams etc.

Data Science Quiz

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Data Science Quiz

1. Which of the following is a reasonable way to select the number of principal components "k"?

Choose k to be the smallest value so that at least 99% of the varinace is retained.
Choose k to be 99% of m (k = 0.99*m, rounded to the nearest integer).
Choose k to be the largest value so that 99% of the variance is retained.
Use the elbow method.

2. Which of the following method make vector of repeated values?


3. Which of the following are correct component for data science?

Data Engineering
Advanced Computing
Domain expertise
All of the above

4. The most important object defined in NumPy is an N-dimensional array type called?


5. Which of the intricate techniques is not used for data visualization?

Bullet Graphs
Bubble Clouds
Fever Maps
Heat Maps

6. What is true about Statistics?

Statistics is used to process complex problems in the real world
Statistics is used to process simple problems in the virtual world
Statistics is used to process simple problems in the real world
None of the above

7. The matrix which is the sum of all the diagonal elements of a square matrix?

Diagonal matrix
Trace matrix
Identity matrix
Both A and B

8. scipy.linalg always compiled with?

BLAS/Linalg support
Linalg/LAPACK support
None of the above

9. Which of the following is/are Common uses of RNNs?

BusinessesHelp securities traders to generate analytic reports
Detect fraudulent credit-card transaction
Provide a caption for images
All of the above

10. To find the minimum or the maximum of a function, we set the gradient to zero because:

The value of the gradient at extrema of a function is always zero
Depends on the type of problem
Both A and B
None of the above
