Computer Organization & Architecture Quiz

Play this quiz that will help you to excel in Computer Organization & Architecture certification exams, placements etc. This Computer Organization & Architecture quiz consist of 10 questions that you need to solve in 10 minutes. We’ve specially designed this quiz so that you can quickly acquaint to the pattern of questions you can be asked in placement drives, certification exams etc. This Computer Organization & Architecture test enables you to assess your knowledge of Computer Architecture.

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Computer Architecture MCQ Questions

Practice Computer Architecture MCQ Questions, which will help you to understand computer organization and architecture easily and will help you to prepare for placements, interviews and other competitive exams.

Computer Organization & Architecture Quiz

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Computer Organization & Architecture Quiz

1. Sign bit 1 represents

Positive number
Negative Number

2. The addressing mode/s, which uses the PC instead of a general purpose register is ______

Indexed with offset
Both Indexed with offset and direct

3. The program written and before being compiled or assembled is called ____________.

Start Program
Intermediate program
Source Program
Natural Program

4. Which of the following is true?

To overcome the slow operating speeds of the secondary memory we make use of faster flash drives.
If we use the flash drives instead of the harddisks, then the secondary storage can go above primary memory in the hierarchy.
In the memory hierarchy, as the speed of operation increases the memory size also increases.
Both A and C

5. In how many categories memory/storage is classified?


6. Which interrupt is unmaskable?

RST 5.5
RST 6.5
RST 7.5

7. Which instruction is basically used to check the branch enable bit?


8. In J-K flip flop the function K=J is used to realize ?

D flip flop
S-R flip flop
T flip flop
Master slave flip flop

9. The _________ is used to store the page numbers of the recently accessed pages


10. In memory-mapped I/O ____________

The I/O devices have a separate address space
The I/O devices and the memory share the same address space
A part of the memory is specifically set aside for the I/O operation
The memory and I/O devices have an associated address space
