Artificial Intelligence Quiz

Play this quiz that will help you to excel in Artificial Intelligence certification exams, placements etc. This Artificial Intelligence quiz consist of 10 questions that you need to solve in 10 minutes. We’ve specially designed this quiz so that you can quickly acquaint to the pattern of questions you can be asked in placement drives, certification exams etc. This Artificial Intelligence test enables you to assess your knowledge of Artificial Intelligence.

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Artificial Intelligence MCQs

Practice Artificial Intelligence MCQ Questions, which will help you to prepare for digital technologies.

Artificial Intelligence Quiz

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Artificial Intelligence Quiz

1. When a top-level function is entered, the LISP processor do(es)?

It reads the function entered
It evaluates the function and the function's operands
It prints the results returned by the function
All of the above

2. MCC is investigating the improvement of the relationship between people and computers through a technology called ___________

computer-aided design
human factors
parallel processing
None of the Above

3. What is the form of Knowledge representation?

All of the above

4. Which ordering consumes more time because of alpha-beta factors?

Ideal ordering
Worst ordering
Both A and B
None of the above

5. Which of the following is an Applications of Neural Networks?

All of the above

6. What is called as transposition table?

Hash table of next seen positions
Hash table of previously seen positions
Next value in the search
None of the above

7. how many Components of Knowledge Base are there?


8. Which of the following is demerits of Top-Down Parser?

It is hard to implement.
Slow speed
Both B and C

9. Autonomous Question/Answering systems are?

Expert Systems
Rule Based Expert Systems
Decision Tree Based Systems
All of the above

10. As nodes are associated with other nodes semantic nets are also referred as?

Associative nets
Structure nets
Knowledge nets
Arcs nets
