Q. Python program to check whether the given number N is Armstrong number or not.

Here you will find an algorithm and program in Python programming language to check whether the given number N is Armstrong number or not. First let us understand what is Armstrong number

Explanation : A Armstrong Number is a number that is equal to sum of cubes of each digits.

For Example : 153. So as we can see that the sum of cubes of each digit (1^3=1, 5^3=125, 3^3=27 => 1+125+27=153) is equal to it's number. So 153 is an Armstrong number.

Armstrong Number Algorithm

  step 1 : read number
  step 2 : set sum=0 and duplicate=number
  step 3 : reminder=number%10
  step 4 : sum=sum+(reminder*reminder*reminder)
  step 5 : number=number/10
  step 6 : repeat steps 4 to 6 until number > 0
  step 7 : if sum = duplicate
  step 8 : display number is armstrong
  step 9 : else 
  step 10 : display number is not armstrong

Python Program To Check Armstrong Number

num = 153
# initialize sum
sum = 0
# find the sum of the cube of each digit
temp = num
while temp > 0:
  digit = temp % 10
  sum += digit ** 3
  temp //= 10

# display the result
if num == sum:
  print("The number {0} is Armstrong number".format(num))
  print("The number {0} is not Armstrong number".format(num))


The number 153 is an Armstrong number.