Q. C# Program to find length of a given string.

Here you will find an algorithm and program in C# programming language to find length of given string. First let us understand string in C#.

Explanation : The string is defined as an array of characters. The difference between a character array and a string is the string ends with a special character '\0'.

For Example : If the string is "hello", then the output will be 5.

Algorithm to find length of string

Step 1: Length = 0
Step 2: Repeat step 3 foreach char chr in str
Step 3: Length = Length + 1
Step 4: Return Length

C# Program to Find the Length of a String

using System;  
public class LFC
	public static void Main() 
		string str1="Letsfindcourse"; /* Declares a string of size 100 */
		int l= 0;
		foreach(char chr in str1)
			l += 1;
		Console.Write("Length of the string = {0}\n\n", l);


Length of the string = 14